ReMaCon specialises in anything and everything pertaining to a Block for Retaining Wall, Retaining Wall brick, concrete Retaining Blocks, Retaining Blocks, Loffelstein Wall, Loffelstein Blocks, Loffelstein Retaining Walls, Loffelstein. Any retaining wall over 1. For sand conditions outlined in the table the soil must be a clean, granular material. Löffelstein® is a dry stacking, interlocking retaining system. wall system for smaller wall projects. Business can travel to you. Tested above 20MPa, Engineer Approved. More. This wall has to be a much stronger design, sometimes requiring a drainage system also. za Address: Old Paarl Road, Klapmuts, Western Cape. Install control joint materials (filler board) as block work is in progress. Cumulative height will equal the combined height of any wall or series of walls required to retain a single slope. Watch this video to. We manufacture precast products such as: Concrete walls, Loffelstein retaining walls and road kerbs. Further, it is a requirement (in South Africa) that all retaining walls higher than 1m must be DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER and constructed in. TheAdditions and alterations, Painting and renovating, retaining walls, new houses, pre-cast raising, fencing, wall raising, fence repairs, razor wire. We're gonna show you how to build a retaining wall that WON'T fall over. The Most Important Page On Our Website. Typically, the costs are shared between section owners and form a non-negotiable part of your monthly levy on your unit. Such a collapse of ground could result in damage to property on either of the levels. Ultrablock - Gravity walls to 30' high (without tiebacks), or designable as an MSE system to 30+'. We do soil rehabilitation. Loffelstein Retaining Block - L300. This product has. Retaining walls can be used to level a sloped yard, create garden beds, prevent soil erosion, conceal a building’s foundation, or add built-in seats to your property. The Best Retaining Wall Contractors In Durban. The height of the counter-fort wall is 8–12 m. Fast – Wall. Use safety harness to avoid fall from height. Basic Installation guidelines for a TERRAFORCE retaining wall using the hollow concrete blocks. Address: Hartenbos / Oudtshoorn Road R328. Hydro insulation of inner walls of the manhole with cement mortar in two layers, with skimming to black gloss, coat with bitulit on the outside. Loffelstein Grassblocks allows the natural greening of paved surfaces to form hard-wearing grassed driveways, roadways, footpaths and parking areas. Besser® Block sizes and dimensions. 4. their own resources or with the assistance of aid organizations before the DRR program was initiated, only to find out later that their homes fell within a zone designated as hazardous. Long gone are the days that retaining wall installations were solely completed to restrain soil to an unnatural slope, nowadays it is also used to create beautiful landscape designs, access stairs, driveways, pavilions,. Hazard and risk assessment, as well as mitigation, are key. Earlier in 2022 the concrete products operation moved to its current home, which lies on a vast 12,000 square metres industrial. Paver and wall color is determined by the variances in the raw materials, concrete mixture, moisture content, climatic conditions, and other variations. pdf), Text File (. Concrete Blocks Wall. Units per Sqm. Part K section 4. 7m (1. Retaining Wall Details. Our Blocks are strength tested and achieve 20MPa or greater. Owner, Pandelis Valarakis has over 17 years experience in the construction industry specialising in retaining wall systems. Retaining walls of this sort are constructed on the face of the wall rather than within the backfill. Assuming that the allowable bearing pressure of the soil is 120 kNm 2, the 3 1. Its primary application is for slopes under 22 ft high with an angle of internal friction, angle greater than 30 degrees. Every retaining wall must meet the regulations set forth by SANS 10400. 750kg. B | Corobrik – Retaining Walls | Facebook. Placing drainage tiles behind the wall can help keep water build-up at bay in soils that drain poorly. Loffelstein Retaining Walls Address: Industria Rd, Rykmanshoogte, Knysna, 6571, South Africa City of Western Cape,Post Office box: 2691, Knysna, 6570 Phone number: 044 382 6014 Categories: Building Construction Companies, 6 Reviews (3 / 5) Building Construction Companies. Rainbow Concrete is manufacturing the Loffelstein Retaining System in Bloemfontein as a franchisee of Infraset. 7m x length of the wall / 1. Bosun manufactures 3 different Retaining Wall Blocks of which two are patented. The following is a listing of the Allan Block Typical Details that are available. Install the cap stones tightly with adhesive to hold down and hide the landscape fabric. Specifications Brochure. While stocks last. All our blocks comply with the South African National Standard and in addition, our blocks have been tested. co. . This video shows one of the many. P. Do you have a slope that you need to retain? In this video, we'll show you tips and tricks that you need to build a retaining wall that will hold up. Technical Advice - Waterlöffel walls are design intensive and as the manufacturers of this specialised product, we recommend that you use the services of a recognised geotechnical or hydraulic engineer to design. 1-4 and insert, Circa. Height 170mm. 7kg), with systems that can be used to construct walls up to 40ft (12. Retaining walls can be used to level a sloped garden, create planting beds, prevent soil erosion, hide a building’s foundation, and provide built-in seating. Measure the length and height of the proposed wall and multiply these two numbers to calculate the square meter surface area. ReMaCon specialises in anything and everything pertaining to a Block for Retaining Wall, Retaining Wall brick, concrete Retaining Blocks, Retaining Blocks, Loffelstein Wall, Loffelstein Blocks, Loffelstein Retaining Walls,. Look for a perforated pipe and lay it down the length of. Submit. Cover to the reinforcement = 40 mm. '%6$ 0(*$ 6&+22/6 76(%2 8/:$=, 7(&+1,&$/ 6&+22/ ,17(5(67 phdqvwkhlqwhuhvwudwhvdssolfdeohrqwklv frqwudfw. Security gates, Devils fork, Palisade fence, Razor wire and wall spikes, Carport, Install load cells, Cat ladders, Extractor fans, Air conditioners. L300 Loffelstein. Test results available from SANAS accredited testing laboratories. A; Yes, you have some cover outside of your home depending on the circumstances and the insurance company that your policy is with. Add to Cart Sale. We manufacture and supply paving bricks, kerbs, and retaining wall blocks. The cumulative height of any retaining wall, other than a Loffelstein wall or similar living wall, built to retain a cut slope or fill slope shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. Scopri (e salva) i tuoi Pin su Pinterest. South Africa. This method has little inconvenience during construction with finishing of high quality. The company started in 1987 with a license to distribute Loffelstein. Rated 5THE COMPANY. A 1 L wall Fall from height PPE’s must be f RISK ASSEMENT FOR. Why Choose Bosun. And. Loffelstein. Save. Since our establishment in 1992, we have been a leading service provider in an array of retaining system solutions – in the commercial, industrial and residential sectors. Laying – At 180mm spacings, lay the first course of. [email protected]. PRODUCT ENQUIRIES. 2. It is pretty simple in that it is used with topography and just walls. 1990. Remacon Products manufacturers a variety of concrete retaining wall blocks, concrete blocks and concrete YFEL concrete wall systems. Structurally stable - no need for additional concrete infill All Löffelstein® systems are available in vertical and heavy duty applications Ideally. Nationwide. M. For additional product information, please fill out the form below. The evaluation was based on a controlled experiment, where a wooden frame (1. “M-Konstruktor” Company presents steel moulds for the production of reinforced concrete free-standing retaining walls. 2 Surprise Rd. Sectional Title insurance should be factored into your levies. The Retaining Walls Division started 5 years ago and has grown from strength to strength. Retaining Walls CAD Drawings Free Architectural CAD drawings and blocks for download in dwg or pdf formats for use with AutoCAD and other 2D and 3D design software. Use a circular saw to cut two 3-foot lengths of 4-by-4-inch boards for each deadman anchor. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ e g þÿÿÿ` a b c d i Ü L ñ q ç. co. 4. retaining wall blocks offer a turn key solution to slope retention at the best price in comparison to conventional retaining walls. We are a family business in operation since March 1982. Hiring the best contractor in Durban will ensure you that the. Loffelstein Retaining walls, Duiwelskloof, South Africa. Certificates. Placement of reinforcement in the formwork and tied up properly. The GeoStone Retaining Wall System consists of two lines, the original G12 lineup and the new G10. 40% Off Scoopblocks - the classic loffelstein shape. Retailing Wall Blocks Loffelstein L300 and L500. Seagren Industries, Inc. The size of a full unit Besser ® Block is 390mm long X 190mm wide X 190mm high. 3. Weight 33kg's. We manufacture precast products such as: Concrete walls, Loffelstein retaining walls and road kerbs. We specialise in the supply and installation of a range of retaining wall blocks, including the loffelstein blocks, gabions,. Design and construction of earth retaining walls for deep excavation – a risk management process. Concrete. These blocks can be laid at various angles, depending on the installation requirements. Terms & Conditions: JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd (“the Company”) hereby advise and confirm with you that by accessing or using our website, you acknowledge, understand and agree that all information provided by you may be used and processed by JG Afrika (Pty) Ltd. Scopri (e salva) i tuoi Pin su Pinterest. Email: [email protected]. Fold the landscape fabric over the top of the wall, trimming off any excess. Only native plants must be put in the blocks to reduce maintenance issues. View all. Add beauty and value to your landscape with these popular retaining wall block and paver products. This Practice Note summarises the main causes of the failures and provides guidance on the factors to be considered in order to reduce the number of. 5m for walls no steeper than 70º is also. We can stop soil erosion. There are two blocks for each line. Infraset supplies a complete range of retaining wall blocks for all types of cut or fill configurations from basic one metre installations to massive 15m walls in angles from 60˚ to 90˚. Individual units range from 19lbs (8. See popular blocks and top brands. Mass per block. Fill with 4" - 8" angular shaped rocks. By virtue of their nature and purpose, retaining walls are subject to different influences and pressures when compared with other walls such as boundary or load-bearing walls. Concrete Retaining Walls. 2. However, this is mostly dependent on the type of stones or rocks your. C wall. pcs 1. By virtue of their nature and purpose, retaining walls are subject to different influences and pressures when compared with other walls such as boundary or load-bearing walls. It is unique because of its versatility, adaptability and plantability. 13 Strike the formwork. Segmental retaining walls are used in many applications, including landscaping walls, structural walls for changes in grade, bridge abutments, stream channelization, waterfront structures, tunnel access walls, wing. Shuttering and staging shall be as per the scheme attached. As such, a specialised design and criteria apply when erecting a. 32kg. 01. 05-29-2020 04:31 AM. At 5. We manufacture precast products such as: Concrete walls, Loffelstein retaining walls. Concrete Interlocking Blocks for Retaining Walls. Our manufactured retaining wall systems are engineered to last, structurally and aesthetically. 2. Blitz Beton. 00. We specilize in new walls as well as damaged or collapsed walls and offer a. Available products: L13 Standard (smooth), L22 Rock Face, L22 Standard (smooth) , 4×4 Multi Step Block and Terrafix Erosion Control Block (150) Contact person:JDI Retaining Walls. Segmental Retaining Wall Design Details. Add to Cart Sale. It is ideal to construct the wall in an offset configuration in order to landscape the completed. SITE AND RETAINING WALL HAZARD MITIGATIO N IN POST-DISASTER SITUATIONS: A PRIMER 3 . The total height of different types of retaining wall shall be cast in 2 or 3 pours, keeping the maximum height of pour of 2. Retaining Wall Blocks. This includes the need for approved plans before the structure is built and it requires the builder to notify the local authority of their plans to build such a structure. Blocks per M2 10 Blocks. Retaining Wall Blocks. Technicrete Enviro-Wall® & RocEnviro-wall®, a versatile reversible block allowing a variety of visual effects. Loffelstein. Löffelstein® is a dry stacking, interlocking retaining system. Characteristic strength of concrete =. . a step-up in the base course of an Allan Block retaining wall allows the wall to follow the natural slope of your yar. what plants are best for. By virtue of their nature and purpose, retaining walls are subject to different influences and pressures when compared with other walls such as. Terraforce Retaining Block L11 (Smooth) R 79. Gabion Wall. ACTIVITY. Excellent quality, machine vibrated retaining wall blocks in stock. Step 4. 10H. Terraforce. Show this code at the shop: MondoMB SC30/50. Retailing Wall Blocks Loffelstein L300 and L500. 1 blocks/m² using an open formation, the Robust Block is one of the most competitive in the market. Beaucoupnice. 086 111 2346 [email protected]. Rainbow Concrete manufactures a unique precast fence which is double sided, one side coloured with a face brick. We manufacture precast products such as: Concrete walls, Loffelstein retaining walls and road kerbs. However, some large projects will climb as high as. Typically, the limit for single-tiered SRW walls is 10-12m due to the down-drag caused by internal fill settlement on SRW facades and geogrids. Address: 28 Pioneer Street, Pacaltsdorp Industria, 6534. Most Gabion walls cost between 10 and 15 dollars per square foot. A review of basic soilFri, Sep 22, 2017 at 10:36:03 AM | Loffelstein retaining walls. It can be used with gaps for vegetation growth or as a solid engineering structure. 2. 10H. Rainbow Concrete manufactures a unique precast fence which is double sided, one side.