City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 STAFF REPORT . Conditional Use Application CU-20-012 – EXTENSION REQUEST . Applicant: Josh Wise Owner: Josh Wise Location: 25 Depot Street, Pataskala, OH 43062 Acreage: 0. Variance Application VA-21-024 . Owner: Aaron. STAFF REPORT . , Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, First Floor Council Chambers. 246) Acreage: +/- 0. Bright, open Ranch! Great Room w/ Fireplace! Big Kitchen w/ Cent. Call to Order 2. Acres: - -City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT . The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following. m. Replat Application REP-21-002 . STAFF REPORT . Broad St. m. Owner: TrueCore Federal Credit Union . Appeal Application AP-21-002 . City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT . STAFF REPORT . . Broad Street, Pataskala, OH 43062 Acreage: 5. April 13, 2021 . The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the City of Pataskala and the Licking County Building Department prior to construction. house located at 193 Fox Hall Dr, Pataskala, OH 43062 sold for $232,000 on Nov 19, 2020. STAFF REPORT . Applicant: Kevin & Kelsie Nickolas Owner: Kevin & Kelsie Nickolas Location: 13751 Cable Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062 (PID: 063-140994-03. m. MLS# 220036511. 7. The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following. M. The Applicant shall address. 18-acres Zoning: R-7– Village Single. . February 9, 2021 . (CBRMLS) 3 beds, 2. Main St. Median List Price. Broad Street, Pataskala, Ohio or faxed to 740-927-0679, or e-mailed to. Location: SR 310 (PIDs: 255-0697746-00. Rezoning Application ZON-22-001 . m. 21-acres Zoning: PDD –. August 14, 2018 . STAFF REPORT . Replat Application REP-18-001 . 27-acres Zoning: PDD – Planned Development District. March 13, 2018 . Location: 370 E. October 5, 2022 . February 9, 2021 . 91 acres :ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . Acreage: 4. Suite 2B Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Office: 740-927-0145 Cell: 614-746-5365 Fax: 740-927-0228; From: Jim Roberts. 1. , Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, First Floor Council . Conditional Use Application CU-21-003 . 000)621 WEST BROAD STREET, SUITE 2B PATASKALA, OHIO 43062 PHONE: (740) 927 -2021 FAX: (740) 927-0228 WWW. Rezoning Application ZON-21-001 . Recent improvements made possible through an ODNR NatureWorks grant make this hidden gem even more inviting for multiple. 5-feet. . The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following. Applicants: Karl Billisits, Harmony Development . February 8, 2022 . The Board of Zoning Appeals will discuss the following applications:City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT . Location: 14067 Broad Street SW (PID: 063-141402-00. April 12, 2022 . Address: City:The City of Pataskala Council will hold a public hearing on Feb. Applicant: Jason Empson . Owner: Mark Parrish . Final Plan Application FP-18-001 . From: Scott Fulton . , at Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, First Floor Council Chambers. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS AGENDA . The hearing will also be livestreamed via ‘City of Pataskala Ohio’ YouTube page. usPataskala City Hall 621 W. Chambers. m. Broad Street, Pataskala,. us. All documents pertaining to the above will be available for examination at City Hall, 621 W. The hearing will also be livestreamed via “City of Pataskala” YouTube page. The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following application:The Pataskala Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public hearing on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 6:30 p. STAFF REPORT . 000, south lot with. February 9, 2021 . , Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, First Floor Council Chambers. Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . March 9, 2021 . Variance Application VA-20-017 . ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . 00-acres Zoning: M. 65-acres Zoning: AG -. 1. Interested candidates should submit a copy of the city’s. Klema Owner: Front Porch Investments, LLC. City Planner City of Pataskala 621 West Broad Street, Suite 2-A Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Phone: 740-964-1316. RESOLUTION 2019-043ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . 5 baths, 1600 sq. WHEREAS, the City of Pataskala owns the property at 621 West Broad Street (“City Hall”); and. Applicant: Connie J. oh. 7 at 6:30 p. ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 STAFF REPORT June 10, 2019 Variance Application VA-19-002 Applicant: Jason Heitmeyer Owner: Mid-Ohio Development Corp. Tuesday, May 11, 2021 . m. Pataskala City Hall is located at 621 West Broad Street, Pataskala OH 43062. m. The proposed use would be in line with the comprehensive. m. Watkins, P. ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . Applicant: Donald Walaszek . STAFF REPORT . 621 West Broad Street . Figure 3 – Design Year (2038) PM Peak Hour Volume. 621 West Broad Street . Rezoning Application ZON-18-012 . Parsons Auto Owner: John Parsons Location: 299 W Broad Street, Pataskala, OH 43062 Acreage: 0. April 6, 2022 . Applicant: TS Tech USA, Corporation . $178. STAFF REPORT . January 12, 2021 . Applicant: Ice Queens of Smith’s Mill, LLC c/o Todd M. Ft. Variance Application VA-21-024 . – Donald T. Applicant: Cassandra Helm Owner: Cassandra Helm Location: 6379 Summit Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062 Acreage: 0. Applicant: Date: Owner: Date: Author: Scott FultonSome city officials are questioning potential improvements to Pataskala Town Hall. 17, 2023, at 6:30 p. D. Ponzio Owner: Joseph R. 0:05. The Pataskala Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 6:30 p. 21-acres Zoning: PDD –. Cox Jr. Variance Application VA-17-018 . 000City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 STAFF REPORT . Tuesday, March 9, 2021 . m. 12-acresThe Pataskala Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 6:30 p. Pataskala Code to allow for the property to be used as a self-storage facility (NAICS 2007 – 531130). ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 STAFF REPORT July 14, 2020 Variance Application VA-20-009 Applicant: Joseph R. Broad St. Variance Application VA-20-023 . The Board of Zoning Appeals will discuss the following applications:ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . 3 beds, 2 baths, 1660 sq. B. 1. 000, 063-142188-The City of Pataskala Council will hold a public hearing on Nov. Applicant: Josh Wise Owner: Josh Wise Location: 25 Depot Street, Pataskala, OH 43062 Acreage: 0. Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Owner: Pataskala Retail 2, LLC. March 9, 2021 . City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . 000All letters of interest and resumes should be delivered to the Office of the Clerk of Council, located at City Hall, 621 W. City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 3 STAFF REPORT May 11, 2021 . 000, south lot with single-family home). Median Days on Mkt. ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . Call to Order. City Hall in Pataskala on YP. Broad Street Suite 2B Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Office: 740-927-0145 Cell: 614-746-5365 Fax: 740-927-0228. City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT . March 9, 2021 . to consider the following rezoning request:City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT . Please let me know in advance if you plan on attending. Ryan Badger (ADR & Associates) Owner: Howard Emswieler ; Location: 11558 Refugee Road and 3000 -3007 Etna Parkway (PID: 064-152862 -00. 621 West Broad Street . Pataskala was a small community until 1996, when wha…. August 11, 2020 . November 9, 2021 . January 12, 2021 . Klema Owner: Front Porch Investments, LLC. STAFF REPORT . Garavuso Owner: The Hossienda/Steven A. m. 63-acres :City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following. , Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, First Floor Council Chambers. at City Hall in Council Chambers, located at 621 W. Broad St. March 9, 2021 . B. The hearing will also be . Variance Application VA-21-005 . Conditional Use Application CU -23-004The Pataskala Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 6:30 p. m. m. Broad St. City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT March 6, 2019 TCOD Application TCOD-19-001 Applicant: Jason Heitmeyer Owner: Mid-Ohio Development Corp. 4900City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 . May 11, 2021 . City Hall, Council Chambers . The City of Pataskala, Ohio by the City Finance Director or designee, at the Pataskala City Hall, 621 West Broad Street, Suite 1D, Pataskala, Ohio 43062, will receive sealed proposals for the MUNICIPAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE CONTRACT until 9:00 am on Friday, May 7, 2 2022. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS AGENDA . February 3, 2021 . STAFF REPORT . The Planning and Zoning Commission will discuss the following. Pennington Owner: Gary A. Applicant: Aaron Crater Owner: Aaron Crater Location: 186 Cedar Street (PID: 064-310608-00. Owner: Helesha Marbury . ITY OF C PATASKALA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS City Hall, Council Chambers 621 West Broad Street Pataskala, Ohio 43062 .